iPhone icons and images size and guidelines
All sizes quoted are for the retina display, so files should end with “@2x”. Then a resize app can be used to create images for non-retina devices. I personally prefer resizer app, it is free and totally simple to use, just drag the pictures you want to resize, select the folder and you are done.
For iPhone 5 files shoudl end with “-568h@2x”.
All images shoud be png.
App Icon
114×114 (for the dock), 1024×1024 (required for App Store submission) and an optional icon for your website (see other images section, as this image is not required).
App Icon should be without any rounded corners, shadows or shine. All that is automatically applied when the icon is added to xCode. If you want to add your own shadow and shine, then select the prerendered option on xCode (this option is next to you App Icons).
Launch Image
(Image that appears when the app is launching)
640×1136 (for iPhone 5) and 640 x 960 (for rest)
App Icon for Web Site
When you add your app icon on your project, xCode is adding some visual effects on it (rounded corners, drop shadow and reflective shine). If you want your website icon to match the app icon as it is displayed on the iPhone and App Store you have to add the same visual effect xCode is adding to your icon.
As this procedure is very time consuming to do on every app, I personally use “iDeveloper – Icon Generation” app. Just drop you unformatted App Store App Icon on “Icon Generator” and it will add all visual effects you need.
Toolbar and navigation bar icons
Approximately 40×40. Careful this images should follow very strict guidelines.
Tab Bar Icon
Approximately 60×60. As with toolbar and navigation bar this images should also follow the same very strict guidelines.
Navigation Bar Title
The title of the navigation bar is usually text but can also be an images. This image can be of any size up to the screen’s width, but is restricted to approximately 60 pixel of height. It can also be a combination of text and images, but all images should not be more than 60 pixels of height.